About us

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Our Mission Statment


Youth Sports of Hollywood (YSOH) believes in the fundamental philosophy of the Enrichment of children in our community.

The objective of Youth Sports of Hollywood, Inc. shall be to implant firmly in the children of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and reverence so that they will be finer, stronger, happier children and will grow to be good, clean, healthy adults.  This objective shall be achieved by providing supervised competitive baseball and softball games.  The supervisors shall bear in mind at all times that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or winning of games is secondary and the molding of the future citizens is of prime importance.

By putting “Athletes First, Winning Second.”   And it means this: every decision made and every behavior displayed on the field should be based first on what is judged best for the athletes, and second on what may improve the athlete’s or team’s chances of winning.  In the final analysis, what’s important is not how many games are won, but how many young people are helped to become winners in life.

Having “Athletes First, Winning Second” as a base philosophy does not mean that winning is unimportant.  The immediate short-term objective of any game is to win.  Striving to win within the rules of the game should be the objective of every athlete and coach.  Striving to win is essential to enjoyable competition.  We believe that it is the pursuit of the victory, the dream of achieving the goal more than the goal itself that yields the joy of sports.

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What People are saying Hollywood Hills Baseball/Softball

Hollywood hills is a great baseball program

This is Best Baseball and Softball Program in South Florida.